Seeing the failure in the examination, the student pasted a note of 500 in the answer sheet, wrote – please pass me
Gujarat Board Examination: What students do not do to pass the exam, some study and some student studies less. But some students go above this and instead of writing in the examination, stick money to pass in the answer sheet. Yes it is true. A Class 12 student from Gujarat pasted a Rs 500 note with the answer sheet in the board examination, in which he did not pass but it had the opposite effect. The student has been barred from appearing in the board examination for the next one year. Along with this, he has been failed in the examination.
written in the sheet please pass me
Top Gujarat Board officials said, “There have been cases of students pasting notes in answer sheets in university examinations, but such attempts among school students are unusual.” The student studies science in class 12th. In this case, the student from central Gujarat was not sure whether he would pass the paper or not. During the board examination held this year, the student, seeing himself failing, decided to paste Rs 500 in the sheet. The student pasted a Rs 500 note in the answer sheet and wrote “Please pass it to me.”
If you didn’t bribe the teacher, you would have passed.
According to the news of an English website, sources said that the performance of the student is not pathetic. “If the student had not tried to bribe the teacher, he would have passed with grace marks,” the source said. That’s why students should go for the examination only after studying, otherwise such decisions can set you behind in your career.
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