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How to Get the JEE Result 2020 ?



How to Get the JEE Result 2020 ?

Through the results of the main JEE 2020 is declared today, candidates will be eligible to apply for courses in engineering and technology university in the country with advanced examination JEE, which is proof of common access for institutes class engineering in the country, IITs.NTA and Josaa make the main JEE examination and counseling for admission to the best colleges as nits, IIT and GFTIs. In addition to this, there are several other institutes accept the main result JEE 2020 for admission to engineering. Candidates will have to fill the application form separately for private institutes through JEE principal result and perform admission procedures.

The main result JEE 2020 to be declared: Checking

JEE Main 2020 results: Results will be announced in

Follow these steps to download the main JEE result of the September session:

Step 1: Click the link above or visit the official website of the main JEE ( and click the “View Result / scorecard” whenever there

Step 2: On the next page, enter your application number and date of birth.

Step 3: Enter the security PIN whenever there

Step 4: Click login

Step 5: Check your JEE main results of the next page

According to data published by the NTA, the organizing authority for examination, 8,58,395 candidates have registered for the main JEE exam.

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