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Youth of the state will now get employment in their village itself, will get work under Jal Jeevan Mission



Youth of the state will now get employment in their village itself, will get work under Jal Jeevan Mission


Digital Desk, Dehradun. The less educated youth of the state will no longer have to leave their homes for small jobs. Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, the government will give such youth training from the nearest ITI Polytechnic and work in the village itself. He will work as a plumber, repairman, maintenance of drinking water schemes, new connections, old connections.

Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, 16151 projects, small and big, are being built across the state. There are many villages where drinking water schemes are already running. Under the Jal Jeevan Mission, the responsibility of these schemes is being given to the Village Water Sanitation Committee (VWSC).

Once door-to-door taps are installed, a large number of youth are needed to maintain them, install new connections, repair old lines. The Drinking Water Department has decided that for this cooperation will be taken from the Technical Education Department. These youths will be given special training for plumber, masonry in the nearest ITI, polytechnic of the village. This training is going to start in September.

Training to B.Tech students also from this year, the government has decided that B.Tech final year students of all government engineering colleges will also be given training in the schemes of Jal Jeevan Mission. They will also be given a certificate by the Drinking Water Department after one month of training in the final year. The certificate will be given only after making a report of the drinking water scheme and submitting it to the department. This training is going to start in December.

Secretary of Drinking Water Department, Nitesh Jha told that the schemes of Jal Jeevan Mission are being completed, they are being handed over to the village committee itself. Under these schemes, youth are needed for the repair of drinking water lines in the village, for new connections and other works. Training of eight thousand youth is starting in ITI Polytechnic from September. B.Tech final year students will also be given separate training.


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