In a first frantic, direct period, Leicester took the initiative through Harvey Barnes strong race and under finishing (13), having used James Maddison as Wall, but...
Leeds United Defend Diego Llorente is facing up to a month after picking up a muscle injury in the 2-1 victory on Tuesday in Newcastle United,...
Said Benrahma in Firdday Complete the Permanent Transfer to West Ham United. Initially it was linked to the loan hammers on the side of the EFL...
The time of the quality of Everton Playmaker James Rodriguez was canceled by goalkeeper Jordan Pickford as Leicester assured a 1-1 draw on the Goodon Parkcarlo...
A large number of Premier League clubs, including Leeds United, Arsenal and Manchester City, are showing great interest in the back signature to the left of...
West Ham moved to the four main ones of the Premier League when Tomas Soucek scored twice in a 3-2 victory at Crystal Palace, while Leeds...
Gray has fallen out of the manager Brendan Rodgers and it seems like it is likely to leave Leicester, as his agreement in the club expires...