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D.K. College Mirza Recruitment Notification 2023: Apply for 7 Vacancies



D.K. College Mirza Recruitment

D.K. College Mirza Recruitment Notification 2023: Apply for Assistant Professors Vacancies

Are you searching for an exciting career opportunity in the field of education? Look no further! D.K. College Mirza is pleased to announce the recruitment of Assistant Professors for 7 vacant positions. This is your chance to join a prestigious institution and make a significant impact in the lives of students. Read on to find out more about the job vacancy details and how to apply.

D.K. College Mirza Recruitment 2023- Overview

Name of organizationD.K. College Mirza
Job RoleAssistant Professor
No. of post07 posts
Apply ModeOffline
Last date12th July 2023

D.K. College Mirza Job Vacancy Details 2023

The following position is available:

Name of post : Assistant Professor

Number of posts: 7

Subject-wise vacancies:

  • Mathematics: 2
  • Zoology: 1
  • Geography: 1
  • Economics: 1
  • Chemistry: 1
  • Physics: 1

More Details pls Check Official notification

Qualification and Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for these positions, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Educational qualification and selection procedure as per Govt. Office Memorandum No. AHE.239/2021/68 dated 24-01-2022, with NET/SLET/SET as mandatory eligibility conditions.
  • Candidates with a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedures for Award of Ph.D. Degree Regulation, 2009) are exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET.
  • Candidates must have a minimum of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade point scale) at the Master’s degree level in the concerned subject.
  • A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to SC/ST/PwD candidates.
  • A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to Ph.D. holders who obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19th September 1991.
  • The candidate must acquire qualifications as of the last date for submitting applications. Eligibility like M.Phil/Ph.D./Seminar Papers/Publications can be acquired and submitted on the date of the interview and not beyond.

Age Limit

Candidates applying for these positions should be mindful of the age limit criteria:

  • The age of the candidate should not exceed 38 years as of 01/01/2023.
  • Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates will be provided.
  • PwD candidates will be given a relaxation of 10 years.

How to Apply for D.K. College Mirza Recruitment

To apply for the D.K. College Mirza Recruitment, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download the application format prescribed by the DHE, Assam.
  2. Fill in the application form with complete Bio-Data.
  3. Attach all testimonials from HSLC onwards.
  4. Include proof of payment of Rs. 1500/- (One thousand five hundred) through RTGS/NEFT in favor of Account holder: DAKSHIN KAMRUP COLLEGE, MIRZA, Accounts no. – 2190024063, IFSC – CBIN0283207, CBI, Mirza Branch.
  5. Send the application to the following address: Principal, D.K. College, Mirza, P.O.- Mirza, Dist.-Kamrup, PIN-781125, Assam.
  6. Ensure that the application reaches the mentioned address by July 12, 2023.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to join D.K. College Mirza and contribute to the growth and development of students. Apply now to secure your place!

Important Links

Download Official NotificationClick Here
Download Application FormClick Here
TelegramClick Hare
