Assam Govt.
BN College Recruitment 2023 – For 08 Assistant Professor Posts

BN College Recruitment 2023: Hiring 08 Assistant Professors
BN College is currently accepting applications from qualified individuals for the position of Assistant Professor in multiple departments. If you are interested, you can apply for one of the eight available positions by completing the application form provided on the DHE website. Please ensure that you submit all the necessary supporting documents as per the latest UGC norms.
Last Date: with in 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement [ Date of Publication in News Paper 14/06/2023]
BN College Recruitment 2023: Assistant Professor Positions
BN College is pleased to announce the recruitment of Assistant Professors for various subjects. We have a total of 08 positions available. The details of the subjects and vacancies are as follows:
1. Assistant Professor
No of Posts: 08 Posts
Name of the Subjects and Vacancies:
👉Bengali: 1 post (Reserved for ST-P) (Roster Point-55)
👉History: 1 post (Reserved for UR-PWD, Roster Point 1)
👉Economics: 1 post (UR, Roster Point 14)
👉Physics: 1 post (Reserved for OBC/MOBC, Roster Point 40)
👉Botany: 1 post (Reserved for ST-P, Roster Point 25)
👉Chemistry: 1 post (Reserved for OBC/MOBC, Roster Point 47)
👉Mathematics: 2 posts (1 post reserved for ST-P, Roster Point 35) (1 post reserved for ST-H, Roster Point 30)
Salary: The selected candidates will be eligible for the UGC pay scale of Rs. 57,700/- -1,82,400/- along with other allowances as per the rules of the Assam Government.
Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for these positions, candidates must have a good academic record with at least 55% marks (or equivalent grade in a point scale) at the Master’s Degree level in the relevant subject. However, a relaxation of 5% marks from 55% to 50% may be provided to Ph.D. holders who obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19.09.1991. Additionally, a relaxation of 5% marks may be provided at the Graduate or Master’s level for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD categories for the purpose of eligibility. The candidate must possess the required qualifications as of the last date for submitting applications. Qualifications such as M.Phil./Ph.D./Seminar Papers/Publications can be acquired and submitted on the date of the interview and not beyond.
Other Requirements: Candidates must be from the state of Assam and should have knowledge of the local language. In-service candidates are required to apply through the proper channel with a No Objection Certificate (NOC) obtained from the concerned authority. Candidates from outside of Assam are requested to review the Government of Assam (Higher Education) Order No. AHE.429/2021/Pt/3 dated 01.02.2022.
Age Limit: The maximum age limit for candidates is 38 years as of 01.01.2023, with a relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD candidates and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.
How to Apply for Assistant Professor Recruitment at BN College, Dhubri
To apply for the position of Assistant Professor at BN College, Dhubri, interested candidates are required to follow the application process outlined below:
⚡Download the prescribed application format provided in the important links section.
⚡Fill in the application form with accurate and relevant information.
⚡Gather self-attested copies of all testimonials starting from HSLC (High School Leaving Certificate) onwards.
⚡Along with the completed application and supporting documents, enclose a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 1,500/- (Rupees one thousand five hundred) only. The Demand Draft should be drawn in favor of the Principal, B.N. College, Dhubri, and payable at S.B.I., Kismathasdah Branch, Dhubri (IFSC Code: SBIN0008286).
⚡Ensure that the application, documents, and Demand Draft reach the following address within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. Please note that no excuses for postal delays will be accepted, and incomplete applications will be rejected:
Principal & Secretary
B.N. College, Dhubri
Ward No. 15, P.O. Bidyapara
Dist. Dhubri, Assam
Date of Interview: The date of the interview will be announced on the college website and communicated to eligible candidates through email in due course.
Please Note: Candidates who fall under the purview of the Hon’ble High Court’s order dated 21.08.2019 in W.P.(C) No. 5998/2019 and dated 13.02.2020 passed in Case No. I.A.(Civil) 4287/2019 in W.P.(C) No. 5998/2019 are also eligible to apply.
Important Date and Links for BN College Assistant Professor Recruitment 2023
Last Date | with in 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement |
Official Recruitment Notification | Check Here |
Application Form | Check Here |
Join Us Telegram | Click Here |