Assam News
Students in Assam Plan to have Twitter storm on Aug 3 against EIA 2020

Twitter storm is getting ready in Assam. The All Assamese Students’ Association, New Delhi has wanted to dispatch a Twitter storm against the draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020 on August 3. Many section of the society are against as many have withnessed different environmental effects. The twitter storm is mostly supported by the students of different universities in Assam. As students are playing a major role against the Draft.
The Draft EIA 2020 has been given under Section 3 of the Environment Protection Act, 1986. This offers capacity to the focal government to take measures “to ensure and improving the nature of the earth and forestalling, controlling and lessening ecological contamination”, the Association said in an announcement.
“Despite what might be expected, this draft is currently observed as a plan to weaken existing natural guidelines through various methods. The proposed changes are not guided by ecological concerns yet by the worries of corporate,” the Association included.
“The progressions referenced in the draft are not in light of a legitimate concern for condition security and going to influence Northeast India the most,” the Association attested.
Voicing out against EIA 2020, the Association has arranged a Twitter storm against the draft EIA on August 3 from 7 pm to 9 pm including all understudies across Assam and the Northeast living both inside and outside their separate states, it said.
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