SSA Assam Transfer List 2019-2020: TET Teacher Transfer list Download Here

SSA Assam Transfer List 2019-2020: TET Teacher Transfer list Download Here: Assam Government has started a Mutual Transfer Services Online for Teacher who has been working with the Department of Elementary Education, Sarba Siksha Abhiyan & State Pool in Assam . Now you can submit the Migration Transfer application online. So, today I’m going to tell the whole process to apply for a mutual transfer application form through online. Apart from this, I will speak official notice about the mutual transfer of services of Assam. More Update Plz regular visit our website
Latest News for SSA Assam Online Mutual Transfer List
So, Read this article till the last to know about the Online Mutual Transfer process for Teachers in Assam.
Before starting to write, let me talk to TET Teachers about mutual transfer online services. TET Teachers Transfer List
The latest SSA Assam news about a list of transfers available among TET teachers in Assam today. The 2019 SSA Transfer List is published in all states today. Voters can download the list of SSA Assam related transfers from this page. The district-wise instructions for the transfer of existing SSA teachers are published here. So for TET Assam for the latest news visit this page.
Mutual Transfer Online Service in Assam:
But you can also see the official notification here. Yes! Here is the official notice of Mutual Transfer services in Assam for Teachers.
Official Notification Of Mutual Transfer Online Services:
Here are the official notification words below.
How To Apply For Mutual Transfer Via Online?
SSA Assam offline transfer list of teacher
As I told you that online application for mutual transfer will start from 22.01.2018. However, no instructions have been given in this regard. So, you stay connected with us. Once we get it.
Who Can Apply For It?
Both contractual & Regular can apply for it. And the transfer will be processed on inter-district applicant application. So, you make sure on that.
Registration Process:
If you are a first time user, then you have to enter your 13 digit HRMIS teacher code to get the password to log in.
➧ First of all, You have to visit here
➧ Enter 13 digit HRMIS teacher code
➧ And click send Password to my HRMIS registered mobile.
➧ Now, you will get an SMS at your HRMIS registered mobile number.
➧ Next, enter your 13-digit HRMIS teacher code & Password to login.
➧ That’s it! You will see the application form of Mutual transfer.
Assam TET Teachers Transfer List @
According to SSA Assam Notification No. SSA / TT / Mutual Transfer / 27/2014/8080 & No. SSA / TT / Mutual Transfer / 27/2014/8081 dated 12-06-2019 to proceed with the approval of the Govt. In Assam, an application for prayer for transfer to one another and a desire to serve the community, is thus passed by the following Assistant Teachers and instructed to participate in the schools mentioned below:
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SSA Assam Online Mutual Transfer List 2019-Download TET Teacher Transfer list PDF Download
SSA Assam Mutual Transfer List 2020
Transfer Link 2 Click Here (Available soon)
Download the SSA Assam TET Transfer List 2019
1st Phase of Orders of Online Mutual Transfer :: LPS Intra-District
Guidelines of SSA Assam Mutual Transfer 2019
Online Mutual Transfer of the Assistant Teacher working under Sarva Siksha Abhijan, Assam for the year 2018-19
To ensure quality education in the elementary level and to ensure smooth services of the working teachers and to optimize job satisfaction amongst the teachers in fair and transparent manner, the Department of Elementary Education has adopted the Guidelines mentioned hereunder of Mutual Transfer of services of Assistant Teachers working under the Department of Elementary Education, Assam, Sarva Siksha Abhijan, Assam and under State Pool for current year.
1) Main Provisions:
(i) The Guideline shall be effective w.e.f. 07.03.2019.
(ii) Roth Intra and Inter district mutual transfer among the Regular Assistant Teachers of Elementary Education Department (other than the districts of sixth schedule areas) and Contractual Assistant Teachers under SSA, Assam and State Pool (other than the districts of sixth schedule areas) will be conducted.
(iii) The mutual transfer between working teachers will be materialised through online system
(iv) The mutual transfer will be done once in a year preferably in the month of January & February.
(v) The Guidelines will cover the elementary level regular teachers, contractual teachers and state pool teachers (for intra and inter district mutual transfer) working in the Government and Provincialised schools.
(vi) The Guidelines will enable DEE to materialise the mutual transfer for Regular Teachers with the approval of Government.
(vii) The Guidelines will enable SSA to materialise the mutual transfer for Contractual Teachers and State Pool Teachers.
(viii) In case of intra district mutual transfer, the scope will be limited between Regular and Regular; Contractual and Contractual/ State Pool; State Pool and State Pool/ Contractual.
(ix) In case of inter district mutual transfer, the scope will be limited between Regular and Regular; Contractual and Contractual, State Pool and State Pool. This has been done to maintain the respective cadre strengths.
(x) The scope of mutual transfer will be opened for same category of teachers i.e. between Assistant Teacher-LP and Assistant Teacher-LP, Assistant Teacher-UP(SS) and Assistant Teacher-UP(SS), Assistant Teacher-UP(M&S) and Assistant Teacher- UP(M&S), Assistant Teacher-( Language) and Assistant Teacher-(Language), Assistant Teacher-(Science) and Assistant Teacher-(Science), Assistant Teacher- (Hindi) and Assistant Teacher-(Hindi) etc. (Details of post wise eligibility etc. Given in Annexure-1).
(xi) The medium (Language-1 of TET) of both the applicant teachers will be considered tor mutual transfer. Mutual transfer between same medium applicant will be allowed in case of TET qualified applicants. In case of non-TET qualified applicants, the medium of school is to be same) in the process.
(xii) One teacher can apply with one co-applicant only. In any case a teacher cannot submit his/her online application with more than one teacher. On receipt ot more than one application from any teacher, such applications will summarily be rejected even after generation of transfer order.
(xiii) One applicant teacher can not change his/her choice/online application once he/she has completed the online application process. Petition for changing of choices/ online applications will not be entertained.
(xiv) Grievance mechanism regarding online mutual transfer will be arranged in the online mutual transfer system, if required.
(xv) In case of detection of false information submitted by applicants or violation of an\ provision/clause of this Guidelines, the transfer order shall stand cancelled.
(xvi) submission of online application does not confir any right of tiansfer to any woiking teacher.
2) Time Schedule:
(i) The online application will be received w.e.f 15th March, 2019 to midnight of 30th March, 2019.
(ii) The transferred teachers will have to join in the new place of posting within 7 (seven ) days of issuance of the order. In case of either of the teacher do not join in the new 1\ transferred school within 7 days of issuance of the order, in such case, that particular mutual transfer order of both the teachers will automatically be cancelled.
3) Procedure:
(i) Public Notice on submission of online mutual transfer application will be published in leading news papers of the state.
(ii) The online application system will be opened for receipt of online mutual application.
(iii) One teacher is allowed to apply with one co-applicant only. On receipt of more than one application from any teacher, such applications will summarily be rejected even after generation of transfer order.
(iv) One applicant teacher cannot change his/her choice/online application once he/she has completed the online application process. Petition for changing of choices/ online applications will not be entertained.
(v) 1 he intending applicants will have to register themselves in the system for online mutual transfer application.
(vi) The transfer order will be uploaded in the official website.
(vii) The transferred teachers will have to join in the new place of posting within 7 (seven) da\s of issuance of the order. In case, either of the teacher does not join in the newly tiansleried school within 7 days of issuance of the order, that particular mutual transfer order of both the teachers will automatically be cancelled.
(viii) And any other procedure as required.
Teachers are instructed to join the new post within 15 days from the date of issue of the order after considering all necessary information and reporting compliance with the law. They should be a guide to using the pre-contract title and the new contract title during their term of office in relation to the SMC.
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