Assam Job
সৰ্বশিক্ষাৰ শিক্ষকৰ ট্ৰেন্সফাৰ তালিকা ২০২০-SSA Assam TET Teacher Transfer List 2020:
সৰ্বশিক্ষাৰ শিক্ষকৰ ট্ৰেন্সফাৰ তালিকা ২০২০-SSA Assam TET Teacher Transfer List 2020: অসম সৰ্বশিক্ষা অভিযান মিছনৰ অন্তৰ্গত কৰ্মৰত TET শিক্ষকসকলৰ অনলাইন মুচুৱেল ট্ৰেন্সফাৰ ( Mutual Transfer Services Online ) প্ৰক্ৰিয়া অসম চৰকাৰে আৰম্ভ কৰিছে । আপোনালোকে এতিয়া ট্ৰেন্সফাৰৰ বাবে এপ্লাই কৰিব পাৰিব । মুচুৱেল ট্ৰেন্সফাৰ প্ৰক্ৰিয়াৰ লিংক আপোনালোকে আমাৰ NewsinAssam.Com ৱেবচাইটত পাব । অধিক নিয়োগ সম্পৰ্কীয় বাতৰি পাবলৈ আমাৰ ৱেৱচাইট সদায় visit কৰে যেন…
SSA Assam TET Teacher Transfer List 2020-Latest News
So, Read this article till the last to know about the Online Mutual Transfer process for Teachers in Assam. Before starting to write, let me talk to TET Teachers about mutual transfer online services. TET Teachers Transfer List
The latest SSA Assam news about a list of transfers available among TET teachers in Assam today. The 2019 SSA Transfer List is published in all states today. Voters can download the list of SSA Assam related transfers from this page. The district-wise instructions for the transfer of existing SSA teachers are published here. So for TET Assam for the latest news visit this page.
SSA Assam TET Teacher Transfer List 2020
Mutual Transfer Online Service in Assam:
But you can also see the official notification here. Yes! Here is the official notice of Mutual Transfer services in Assam for Teachers.
How To Apply For Mutual Transfer Via Online?
SSA Assam offline transfer list of teacher
As I told you that online application for mutual transfer will start from 22.01.2018. However, no instructions have been given in this regard. So, you stay connected with us. Once we get it.
For More Details You May Check Below Link
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