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PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Apply For 3 GIS Analyst Posts



PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Apply For 3 GIS Analyst Posts: Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam. The Official Notification for the post released on 14.02.2020 by Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam. Interested and eligible candidates  can fill Assam PWD (Roads) Assam Online By Email Application from 14.02.2020 to 29.02.2020.

This is the good opportunity for the job seekers who are looking for the Career in PWD (Roads) Assam. Before applying to this job, candidates are requested to go through the latest PWD (Roads) Assam job notification 2020 fully in their official website Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam job applications are collected by Online (By Email) mode. For more Upcoming Notification Govt Jobs in Assam and All Over India please keep visiting our website

PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020:

The detailed information on PWD (Roads) Assam latest job notification 2020 has been given below and this PWD (Roads) Assam recruitment comes under the Government job. The job hunters are requested to read below the Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam GIS Analyst job selection process, eligibility, salary, age limit and applications fee in our website. However, for more accurate information on this Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam job notification check the official notification which is given below at the end of the article.


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Notification Details

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam Notification Details are given below in the table.

Organization NameChief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam
Job TypeAssam Govt Jobs
Job RoleGIS Analyst
Job StatusContractual
Job LocationAssam
Apply ModeOffline
Walking Date29/02/2020


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Vacancy Details

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam Vacancy Details are given below in the table.

Name of the PostNo of Vacancy
GIS Analyst03


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Educational Qualification & Skills

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam Educational Qualification & Skills are given below.

  • Should have knowledge of GIS, be able to operate QGIS / ArcGIS and prepare/modify / update shapefiles as and when required and compile from various sources such as satellite imagery/toposheets, reports etc.
  • Should know operations such as buffer, spatial join and conducting geometry and topology checks.
  • Should be able to operate Google Earth and prepare KML files as and when required.
  • Experience in AutoCAD and GIS database management is a plus.
  • Should have knowledge Of relevant IT software and Excel.
  • Should have more than 3 years Of professional experience in GIS.
  • M. Sc./ M, Tech/ M.SC (Tech) in Geo-Science / Geo-Informatics / Remote Sensing and GIS / Geography / Earth Science


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Salary Details

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam Salary Details are given below in the table.

Name of the PostSalary Details
GIS AnalystRs.30,000/- to Rs.45,000/- per month fixed pay inclusive Of all financial benefits depending upon skill and experience.


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-How To Apply ?

Details required for submission Of application:

1. Name,
2. Passport size photograph,
3. Date Of Birth,
4. Permanent Address.
5. Correspondence Address,
6. E-mail Address,
7. Educational Qualification (Class 10 onwards supported by certificates),
8. Professional Experience with duration in chronological order supported by certificates.

Application with the above details and supporting documents must be mailed to  within the specified date with Subject as “Application for GIS Analyst”.


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Important Dates

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam Important Dates are given below in the table.

PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020Important Dates
Last Date to Apply29.02.2020


PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020-Important Links

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam recently released a advertisement for GIS Analyst Job in Assam Important Links are given below in the table.

PWD Roads Assam Recruitment 2020Important Links
Official NotificationClick Here
For More Upcoming

