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Gauhati University PG English entrance exam question papers 2019



Gauhati University PG English entrance exam question papers 2019


Gauhati University PG English entrance exam question papers 2019: Gauhati University is taking test for the students that wants to peruse M.A. Since the entrance has come it has been a confusion between the students about what type of question that have come in the exam. So our team have collected the question that have come in the exam previously. So we can download the Gauhati University M.A English entrance exam Question paper. G.U entrance question can be downloaded and we have also brought the sample paper for G.U entrance exam.


Download Gauhati University Entrance Question Paper for English

Here you can download previous year entrance question paper for English. Gauhati University Entrance Information is available here. Whole information can be known. Gauhati university Entrance exam for English syllabus is written in a systematic way. You can understand in which part the exam has more weight age and which part has less weight age.

English Question paperDownload


Gauhati University P.G English entrance exam question papers: Syllabus

The syllabus for Gauhati University Entrance exam is huge. And syllabus is quite confused by many students. Now Gauhati University has stated that the syllabus is the whole B.A syllabus. But its not the most efficient way to study the whole B.A syllabus. So here ares some parts of English which is more important

>1st Semester

>2nd Semester

>5th Semester

6th Semester


The literary history of the period from the Norman Conquest (1066) to the Restoration (1660) will be studied with reference to the following: Medieval Romances: the late 12th century trouvère Jean Bodel’s division of these romances – the ‘matter of France’, the ‘matter of Rome’ and the ‘matter of England’ (the ‘matter of England’ to be studied with particular reference to Sir Gawain and the Greene Knight) Fabliau, Lyric, Dream-Allegory, Ballad Chaucer, Gower and Langland The ‘New Learning’ of the Renaissance, Humanism: Francis Bacon Tottel’s Miscellany: The poetry of Wyatt and Surrey Drama: Marlowe, Shakespeare, and the Jacobean playwrights Dramatic devices and techniques such as:Aside, Soliloquy, entries and exits, Play within a play, Chorus, Songs and Music, Masques,Disguises, Mime, Dance, Deus ex machina, Metaphysical Poetry Milton: Prose and Poetry.

Women’s Writing as a distinctive genre: Katherine Philips (1631-64), Anne Killigrew (1660-85), Mary Astell (1666-1731) and Aphra Behn (1640-89) Restoration Drama: tragedy and comedy Prose: Sprat, History of the Royal Society; Clarendon, The True Historical Narrative of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England,The poetry of Pope,The periodical essay: Addison and Steele James Thompson, The Seasons, Defoe and the rise of the Novel – Richardson, Fielding, Smollet and Sterne, Dr Johnson (1709-84) and his Circle The shift from sensibility to romanticism in Gray (1716-71), Cowper (1731-1800), Blake (1757- 1827) and Burns (1759-96), The poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats, The Novel of Manners; Gothic fiction; the Historical Novel The Personal Essay: Hazlitt and Lamb.

According to our analysis its a question mostly comes from these semester mostly.

In this page you will get Gauhati University Entrance 2019 Question Paper for M.A in English (Masters of Arts in English).It will give you a good analysis.























































































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