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CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 Released by UPSC, Download Direct Link Here



CAPF AC Admit Card 2023

CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 Released by UPSC, Download Direct Link Here

The eagerly awaited moment has arrived as the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has officially released the admit card for the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) Assistant Commandant (AC) written exam. Scheduled to take place on 6th August 2023, this examination is a significant milestone for candidates aspiring to join the esteemed CAPF.

UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 Overview

Recruitment OrganizationUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Post NameAssistant Commandant (AC)
Advt No.UPSC Assistant Commandant 2023
CategoryUPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023

Important Dates for UPSC CAPF AC Exam 2023

The UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant (AC) Admit Card 2023 was released on 14th July 2023 by the commission. Aspirants must mark their calendars for 6th August 2023, which is when the written exam will be conducted at various exam centers nationwide. It is crucial for candidates to be well-prepared and make the necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth and successful examination experience.

CAPF AC Apply StartApril 26, 2023
CAPF AC Last Date to ApplyMay 16, 2023
CAPF AC Admit Card Date14 July 2023
CAPF AC Exam DateAugust 6, 2023

Instructions for the UPSC CAPF AC Exam 2023

As candidates gear up for the UPSC CAPF AC Exam 2023, it is essential to keep certain instructions in mind to maintain a fair and standardized examination process. The UPSC expects candidates to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Arrive Early: Candidates should arrive at the exam center well before the designated time to avoid any last-minute rush or inconvenience. It is advisable to reach at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination.
  2. Carry Admit Card: The admit card is a mandatory document and must be carried to the exam center. Candidates without a valid admit card will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.
  3. Valid ID Proof: Along with the admit card, candidates must also carry a valid photo ID proof, such as Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, or Passport, for verification purposes.
  4. Stationery and Accessories: Candidates should bring their own stationery items, including pens, pencils, erasers, and other required materials. Sharing of stationery will not be allowed during the examination.
  5. Follow Exam Instructions: Candidates must carefully read and follow all the instructions provided on the question paper and by the invigilators during the examination. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.
  6. Maintain Exam Decorum: It is crucial to maintain a peaceful and disciplined environment during the exam. Any form of malpractice or misconduct will be strictly dealt with, and the candidate may face severe consequences.
  7. Complete the Exam in Time: Candidates must manage their time efficiently to complete the exam within the stipulated duration. It is advised to allocate appropriate time to each section and question to ensure maximum productivity.

How to Download UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023

To download the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023, candidates need to follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Click on the provided download link or visit the official website of UPSC at using a web browser.
  2. Login to Your Account: Log in to your candidate account using the required credentials. You can choose to log in with either your Application Number and Date of Birth or your Roll Number and Date of Birth. Ensure the accuracy of the entered information.
  3. Access the Admit Card: Once logged in, navigate to the appropriate section where the admit card is available for download. Look for the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 link or tab.
  4. Download and Print: Click on the download link to save the admit card to your device. After the download is complete, open the file and take a printout of the admit card. Make sure the printout is clear and legible.
  5. Verify the Details: Check the printed admit card for accuracy. Ensure that your name, photograph, signature, examination center details, and other relevant information are correctly displayed. If there are any discrepancies, contact the UPSC authorities immediately for resolution.
  6. Keep it Safe: Safely preserve the printed admit card for future reference and use. It is a crucial document that needs to be presented at the examination center on the day of the UPSC CAPF AC written exam.

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📢 UPSC CAPF AC 2023 Selection Process 📢

The selection process for UPSC CAPF AC 2023 consists of the following stages:

✅ Written Exam (Paper I: 250 Marks + Paper II: 200 Marks) (Same Day)
Candidates are required to appear for a written examination that consists of two papers. Paper I carries 250 marks, while Paper II carries 200 marks. Both papers are conducted on the same day.

✅ Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Test
Qualified candidates from the written examination are then called for the Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Test. This stage evaluates the physical fitness and endurance of the candidates.

✅ Medical Examination
Candidates who clear the Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Test undergo a medical examination to assess their medical fitness for the CAPF AC position.

✅ Interview/Personality Test (150 Marks)
Shortlisted candidates from the medical examination proceed to the interview/personality test stage. This stage evaluates the candidate’s overall personality, communication skills, and suitability for the position. It carries 150 marks.

✅ Merit List (Out of 600 Marks)
Based on the cumulative performance of the candidates in the written examination, physical standards/physical efficiency test, medical examination, and interview/personality test, a final merit list is prepared. The merit list is based on a total of 600 marks.

📚 UPSC CAPF AC First Paper Exam Pattern 📚

Type of Exam: Objective Type Multiple Choice Time Duration of Exam: 2 Hours Negative Marking: 1/3rd

General Mental Ability, General Science, Current Events of National and International Importance, Indian Polity & Economy, History of India, Indian and World Geography125250

📝 UPSC CAPF AC Second Paper Exam Pattern 📝

Type of Exam: Subjective Time Duration of Exam: 3 Hours

Essay (English/Hindi)80 Marks
Comprehension (English)120 Marks
Total200 Marks

🔔 FAQ of UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 🔔

📌 Q: When was the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 released?
✅ A: The UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 was released on 14th July 2023.

📌 Q: Can I use the Application Number to download the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023?
✅ A: Yes, you can use either your Application Number and Date of Birth or your Roll Number and Date of Birth to log in and download the admit card.

📌 Q: What should I do if I encounter any discrepancies in the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023?
✅ A: If you notice any discrepancies in the information displayed on the admit card, such as incorrect name, photograph, signature, or examination center details, it is crucial to contact the UPSC authorities immediately for prompt resolution.

📌 Q: Is the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 a mandatory document for the written exam?
✅ A: Yes, the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 is a mandatory document. It serves as an entry pass, and without it, candidates will not be permitted to enter the examination hall.

📌 Q: What are the important dates for the UPSC CAPF AC Exam 2023?
✅ A: The UPSC CAPF AC Exam 2023 is scheduled to be held on 6th August 2023.

📌 Q: Can I download the UPSC CAPF AC Admit Card 2023 in advance?
✅ A: Yes, it is advisable to download the admit card well in advance to avoid any last-minute technical issues or network congestion.
