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Assam Direct Recruitment Exam Free Math Mock Test- Assamese and English Language



Assam Direct Recruitment Exam Free Math Mock Test- Assamese and English Language


Assam Direct Recruitment Exam Math Mock Test- Assamese and English Language

Assam State exams mock test assist your exam preparation in a wide-ranging manner as it helps you complete the syllabus, revise in an exhaustive manner, practice for better implementation and assess your performance from time to time. The online test series for Assam Direct Recruitment Grade-III and Grade-IV exams 2022 help you prepare for various exams such as Assam Direct Recruitment, Grade 3 and Grade 4 Exam and more.

Assam Direct Recruitment Exam Important Mock Test

Friends, in this chapter today we have brought you total Top  Questions and Answers GK Quiz for Assam Direct Recruitment Grade III and Grade IV written exam of Assam Direct Recruitment. I hope you will be benefited from the exam from our chapter today. Don’t forget to participate in our telegram to get more Job Related update every day. Sports GK (General Knowledge) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on different sports and games for competitive examinations. A collection of sports questions. Maybe asked in various exams and quiz programs.


Welcome to All Job Assam of This Mock test is available in two languages – English and Assamese. If you want to take the Mock test, you can take the test by clicking on the link below.

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1 / 15

পাঁচ বছৰ আগতে P, Q আৰু R ৰ গড় বয়স আছিল ২৫ বছৰ আৰু সাত বছৰ আগতে Q আৰু R ৰ গড় বয়স আছিল ২০ বছৰ, তেতিয়া P ৰ বৰ্তমান বয়স কিমান?

Five years ago the average age of P, Q and R was 25 years and seven years ago the average age of Q and R was 20 years, then what is the present age of P?

2 / 15

পাঁচ বছৰ আগতে P, Q আৰু R ৰ গড় বয়স আছিল ২৫ বছৰ আৰু সাত বছৰ আগতে Q আৰু R ৰ গড় বয়স আছিল ২০ বছৰ, তেতিয়া P ৰ বৰ্তমান বয়স কিমান?

Five years ago the average age of P, Q and R was 25 years and seven years ago the average age of Q and R was 20 years, then what is the present age of P?

3 / 15

যদি ২০ দিনত ১০ জন শ্ৰমিকে এখন পথাৰত হালব লাগে, তেন্তে ৮ দিনত একেখন পথাৰত কিমান শ্ৰমিকৰ প্ৰয়োজন হ’ব?

If 10 laborers are required to plow a field in 20 days, then how many laborers will be required to plow the same field in 8 days?

4 / 15

৫ জন ল’ৰাৰ গড় বয়স ১২ বছৰ, তাৰ পিছত আন ল’ৰাৰ গড় বয়স ১৬ বছৰ।৮ জন ল’ৰাৰ সকলোৰে গড় বয়স কিমান হ’ব?

The average age of 5 boys is 12 years, then the average age of other boys is 16 years. What will be the average age of all 8 boys?

5 / 15

২৪ বছৰ বয়সৰ এজনৰ ঠাইত নতুন ব্যক্তিক আনিলে গড় বয়স ২ বছৰ বৃদ্ধি পায়। নতুন মানুহজনৰ বয়স কিমান?

The average age of 8 persons increases by 2 years when a new person is brought in in place of one of them whose age is 24. What is the age of the new person?

6 / 15

দুটা সংখ্যাৰ অনুপাত 3 : 4 আৰু সিহঁতৰ LCM 180 তাৰ পিছত সংখ্যাবোৰৰ এটা হ’ল

The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their LCM is 180 then one of the numbers is

7 / 15

ক আৰু খৰ গড় বয়স ৩০ বছৰ আৰু খ আৰু গ ৰ গড় বয়স ২৬ বছৰ। ক আৰু গ ৰ বয়সৰ পাৰ্থক্য কিমান?

The average age of A and B is 30 years and that of B and C is 26. What is the age difference of A and C?

9 / 15

ক আৰু খৰ গড় বয়স ৩০ বছৰ আৰু খ আৰু গ ৰ গড় বয়স ২৬ বছৰ। ক আৰু গ ৰ বয়সৰ পাৰ্থক্য কিমান?

The average age of A and B is 30 years and that of B and C is 26. What is the age difference of A and C?

10 / 15

তিনিজন পুৰুষ, চাৰিগৰাকী মহিলা আৰু ৬ জন শিশুৱে Rs. 4300 ত এটা কাম সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰিব পাৰে যদিহে তেওঁলোকৰ ব্যক্তিগত মজুৰিৰ অনুপাত ৫:৪:২ হয়। মহিলাসকলে লাভ কৰা মুঠ মজুৰি কিমান

Three men, four women and 6 children can complete a piece of work for Rs. 4300 if the ratio of their individual wages is 5:4:2. What is the total wages received by the women

11 / 15

৫ বছৰ আগতে ক, খ, গ আৰু ঘ ৰ গড় বয়স আছিল ৪৫ বছৰ। যদি x অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰা হয়, তেন্তে এই পাঁচজনৰ বৰ্তমানৰ গড় বয়স ৪৯ বছৰ হৈ পৰে। বৰ্তমান X ৰ বয়স কিমান?

5 years ago the average age of A, B, C and D was 45 years. If x is included, then the present average age of these five becomes 49 years. What is the present age of X?

12 / 15

তিনিজন ল’ৰাৰ গড় বয়স ১৮ বছৰ আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ বয়সৰ অনুপাত ২ : ৩ : ৪ তেতিয়া সৰু ল’ৰাজনৰ বয়স কিমান?

The average age of three boys is 18 years and the ratio of their ages is 2 : 3 : 4 then what is the age of the youngest boy?

13 / 15

এটা পৰিয়ালৰ ৫ জন সদস্যৰ গড় বয়স ২১ বছৰ। যদি আটাইতকৈ কনিষ্ঠ সদস্যৰ বয়স ৫ বছৰ হয়, তেন্তে সৰু সদস্যজনৰ জন্মৰ সময়ত পৰিয়ালটোৰ গড় বয়স কিমান হ’ব?

The average age of 5 members of a family is 21 years. If the age of the youngest member is 5 years, then what will be the average age of the family at the birth of the youngest member?

14 / 15

এটা পৰিয়ালৰ চাৰিজন সদস্যৰ গড় বয়স ২৫ বছৰ। পৰিয়ালৰ মুৰব্বীজনৰ বয়সো অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰিলে গড় বয়স ২০% বৃদ্ধি পায়। মুখীয়ালৰ বয়স কিমান

The average age of four members of a family is 25 years. If the age of the head of the family is also included, the average age increases by 20%. what is the age of the chief

15 / 15

ক আৰু খ ৰ গড় বয়স ৩০ বছৰ।খ আৰু গ ৰ গড় বয়স ৩২ বছৰ আৰু গ আৰু ক ৰ গড় বয়স ৩৪ বছৰ, গ ৰ বয়স কিমান?

The average age of A and B is 30 years. The average age of B and C is 32 years and the average age of C and A is 34 years. What is the age of C?

Disclaimer: This Mock is not organized by the respective departments. And also is not responsible for any errors in any circumstances.

Online Test Series for Assam Direct Recruitment Exams 2022

The Assam State exams test series is prepared by subject experts and is as per the questions asked in the previous year papers, the exam pattern and the latest trend of the exam. TheAssam Direct Recruitment exams mock test covers all the important topics of the syllabus and teaches you the best manner to attempt the question paper for maximum marks. The Direct Recruitment Grade 3 & Grade 4 Exam Prep online test series for Assam state exams mimics the exam setting which also helps you to get used to the exam pressure while attempting the exam.

Free Assam Direct Recuitment Exams Grade 3 and Grade 4 Mock Test

Aspirants can attempt one free Assam state exams mock test for each exam to determine its value addition to your exam preparation. You can also gain insights into where you stand in your exam preparation and the improvements needed to reach the goal. The Assam state exams test series also provides additional details solution and explanation with each mock test for better understanding. Attempt a free Assam state exams mock test to get started and thereafter solve multiple expert grade mock tests to excel at your exam preparation.

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