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Animal death Upto 143 in Kaziranga Due to Assam floods



Animal death Upto 143 in Kaziranga Due to Assam floods

Assam flood is just not affecting the human life. It is also having bad affect on the animals. The Kaziranga national park is a very big one and it has recorded 143 animals died.

This is not a good thing consedering the enviromental concerns shown by the world. While the yearly rainstorm floods in Assam guarantee many lives, harm harvests, foundation, and resources, the creatures also are not saved. These remember the imperiled rhinos for the world-renowned Kaziranga National Park, home to in excess of 2,200 one-horned rhinos.

The previous data has been not good. As illegal Rhino hunting is a very big concern in Assam. And if these Rhino dies due to flood every year than question rises.

The flood in Kaziranga National Park (KNP) is as yet terrible and another rhinoceros was killed on Thursday. An aggregate of 16 rhinos have been slaughtered till date in the Kaziranga flood.However, a sum of 143 creatures were executed so far in Kaziranga.

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