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AHSEC Result 2023 – Check Assam HS 2nd Year Result with Marksheet



AHSEC Result 2023 – Check Assam HS 2nd Year Result with Marksheet

Assam HS 2nd Year Result 2023 – Verify AHSEC Result with Detailed Marks

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) serves as the official State Higher Secondary Education Council in Assam. Each year, AHSEC administers the Higher Secondary Final Examination for all students enrolled in 12th grade under its jurisdiction. Typically, AHSEC conducts HS exams for four streams, namely Arts, Commerce, Science, and Vocational. Moreover, the Assam HS Final Examination for the year 2023 took place from 20th February to 20th March 2023.

AHSEC Result 2023- Overview

Exam NameHS Final Exam
Class12th Class
Exam Date20th Feb-20th Mar 2023
Exam TypeWritten Exam
Result StatusNot Declared
Result Date6th June 2023

Assam HS Result Information

Examination Name: Higher Secondary Final Examination, 2023

Class: 12th Standard

Council: Assam Higher Secondary Education Council

Exam Streams: Arts, Commerce, Science, and Vocational

Exam Dates: 20th February to 20th March 2023

Exam Type: Written Examination

Total Number of Students: 3,42,869 Students

Result Declaration Date: At present, AHSEC has not provided a specific date for the declaration of the Assam HS Result 2023.

Result Status: Not Declared

Head Office: Bamunimaidam, Guwahati, Assam, 781021

Official Website:

According to the official schedule, the Assam Higher Secondary Final Examination for the year 2023 was conducted from 20th February to 20th March. This year, a total of 3,82,869 students appeared for the AHSEC Final Exam 2023 across 856 examination centers throughout the state. The examination witnessed approximately 2.72 lakh Arts students, 20,907 Commerce students, and 47,485 Science students who had successfully registered for the exam. All the students who participated in this examination will have the opportunity to check their results through our official website. As the designated third-party result publication partner of AHSEC Result 2023, we ensure a seamless experience for students accessing their exam results.

How to Check AHSEC Result 2023?

Students who have appeared for the Assam HS Final Exam 2023 can easily access their results through our platform. On the day of result declaration, kindly follow the steps outlined below to obtain your AHSEC result:

  1. Scroll down and locate the Important Link section.
  2. Click on the AHSEC HS Result 2023 link.
  3. A new page will load in your browser.
  4. On the result page, you will find two input boxes.
  5. Enter your roll number exactly as mentioned on your admit card in the provided boxes.
  6. Click on the Submit button.
  7. Your result will then be displayed on your device screen.
  8. If desired, you can choose to print a physical copy of your result by selecting the Print option.

AHSEC HSFinal Result 2023 Website list

The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) facilitates the declaration of HS final exam results through various websites. To ensure that students can easily access their exam results without any delays or difficulties, we have compiled a list of websites below. Please note that the following list is based on previous year’s notification as an official notification for the current year is yet to be released.

  1. Official Website:
  2. AHSEC Result Portal:
  3. Assam Higher Secondary Education Council:
  4. All Job Assam Result:
  5. News in Assam Result Portal:
  6. Exam Results Portal:
  7. India Results:

Important Links of AHSEC HS Result 2023

AHSEC HS Result 2023Today 9 am
Download AHSEC MarksheetToday 9 am
Download Result GazetteToday 9 am
Install Our Android AppClick Here
Visit Official WebsiteClick Here

Previous AHSEC HS Result Dates

Here is a table showcasing the previous result announcement dates for the AHSEC HS Final Examination from 2015 onwards:

YearResult Announcement Date
2015May 30
2016June 2
2017May 30
2018May 31
2019May 25
2020June 25
2021July 31
2022June 30
2023June 06

Please note that the result announcement date and time for this year’s AHSEC HS Final Examination will be updated in the table once the official confirmation is made by AHSEC.

Assam HS Result 2023: Expected Date of Declaration

The Assam Council of Higher Secondary Education (AHSEC) has yet to officially announce the date for the release of the Assam HS Final Exam Result for the year 2023. Based on our estimations, it is likely that the AHSEC HS Result 2023 will be declared during the second week of June 2023.

Since 2017, we have been serving as an authorized third-party result publisher for AHSEC, ensuring accurate information for students seeking the Assam HS Result. By bookmarking our website’s URL, you can stay updated with the latest developments and receive timely updates on the result.

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